
Presidential Search Communications

The Presidential Search Committee is committed to regular communications with the university community and shares updates below. They are sorted in reverse chronological order for your convenience.

March 10, 2025: Presidential Search Update

Presidential Search Committee Chair Paul Viviano shares updates on the status of the presidential search. The committee’s work remains on schedule as the process enters its final stages and prepares to make final recommendations to the LMU Board of Trustees in April 2025.

November 12, 2024: Attend the Final Presidential Search Engagement Session

What do you want to see in the next LMU president? Share your thoughts at the final engagement session, held virtually on Nov. 15. If you can't attend, submit your insights online.

October 22, 2024: Attend a Presidential Search Listening Session

The Presidential Search Committee invites the LMU Community to participate in an upcoming community listening session to help shape the presidential profile and guide the search process. Your contributions will ensure that our next president reflects the values and aspirations of our diverse community.

October 22, 2024: Presidential Search Website Launched

The LMU Presidential Search Committee is excited to announce the launch of lmu.edu/presidentialsearch. This dynamic, one-stop hub will serve as your go-to source for the latest updates, key milestones, and opportunities to engage with the search process.

October 14, 2024: Chair Viviano Announces Presidential Search Committee

I am writing to share an important update on the presidential search process. Following President Snyder’s retirement announcement last week, the LMU Board of Trustees has formed a Presidential Search Committee to identify LMU’s 17th president. This committee includes representatives from our trustees, regents, faculty, staff, students, and alumni, ensuring that voices from across the university community are represented in this process.

October 7, 2024: Chair Viviano Highlights President Snyder's Legacy

Following President Snyder’s retirement announcement earlier, I write on behalf of the LMU Board of Trustees to express our deepest gratitude for his visionary and impactful leadership over the past decade. While we had hoped President Snyder would continue his tenure, we support his decision to retire on May 31, 2025. His creative vision and leadership have transformed our great university, leaving an enduring legacy that will benefit LMU Lions and greater Los Angeles for generations.

October 7, 2024: President Snyder Announces Retirement as LMU's 16th President

As we honor today as a moment for reflection, I also share timely news: I just informed the LMU Board of Trustees that I will retire from my position as president of LMU at the completion of my term on May 31, 2025. I made this decision after considerable discernment and with gratitude, pride, and joy for what we have accomplished together over the past decade. I am thankful to the LMU Board of Trustees, our former Board Chair Kathy Aikenhead, and our current Chair Paul Viviano, for their confidence and support, which have been a mainstay throughout my tenure.